Monday, March 28, 2011

Last of the buttons for the swap

Ok! Whew! Finally finished the last of my buttons for the CQI Button Swap 2011. I just want to get these up for those who are curious. Enjoy!

These are all simple concentric circle designs but I love how the different beads look with each other.  It's going to be hard to give these up. At least I have photo's of them. I'm going to have to make some duplicates. They are so sparklie! They appeal to the crow in me! Happy sigh.

Friday, March 11, 2011

More Tulips

It was a very blustery day, Pooh!
Decided some more of my tulip pictures are needed to remember the upcoming spring.

Luscious golden blooms against red.
Display bed glory
Lovely contrasting color
"Queen of the the Nights" against delicate pinks
More "Queens of the Night"

Frilly edged tulips
Red spectrum

Variegated orange
Interior design
Wonderful wave design
Yet another nature design
Waves and color
Blood and sunlight
What a carpet of color
So tasty!
Dark glory
Wave right - wave left
Sun highlights
Crimson shine
White innocence
Flower spectrum
Pink delicacy
Wave right
Captured sunlight

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Button. Button. Who's got the button?

Well, am working on beaded buttons for a CQI button swap. Haven't done these in a year or two, so this swap is good practice.  They have been turning out well. Here's a few I've gotten done.

I know that I'm in a concentric circle mode but the variations are a lot of fun for the moment. Amazing what one can do with a few beads and thread!

Tulips - need a bit of spring

It's been raining and cold a lot of late - not unusual here in Seattle. Still it can get a bit monotonous. It's time for a reminder of Spring. Here's pictures from last year's Skagit Valley Tulips! Enjoy.

Red tulips protected by Poplar trees
Just a touch of crimson
There's always one oddball in the field
Queen of the Night blooms against Golden Appledorn
Pink glory
This is a new as yet un-named variety on
view at RoozenGarde's display garden
A glorious section of RoozenGaarde's display garden in 2010
Another display garden bed
A tulip among the late narcissus
Sunlight on an orange multi-tulip varietal
My favorite metal sculpture in RoozenGaarde's display garden
I love how the sunlight shines through
A field of crimson